about me

In short, I am . . .
an opera singer, classical song recitalist, future therapist, and a shopaholic.  interior-decor obsessed.  quirky, energetic, and filled
with ideas.  determined to be the world's first opera singer/recitalist/part time therapist with interior decorator tendencies and a fabulous blog.

And also . . . 
I love anything purple, birds, avocado, and
winning at Words With Friends.

But what's important . . .
I love fashion and style and, most of all, think it's so important for women of all shapes and sizes to love their bodies and feel confident when they're shopping and getting dressed.  I hope this blog will give its readers some fresh ideas or - if not - at least be an outlet
for me to post my current favorites and ideas for fashion, style, beauty, design, and life.  I hope it's the first one, though!

Just me on an average day, chillin' in a laundry cart.