January 28, 2011

houston we have a purple

No, I'm not crazy - it's a polish from OPI's new TEXAS collection, y'all!  I have been dreaming about this day for so, so very long.  And now it will be here on February 2nd!

Keeping with OPI's tradition of awesomely catchy names, the Texas Collection features some hilarious ones like, It's Totally Fort Worth It, Do You Think I'm Tex-y, and Big Hair ... Big Nails.  I'm especially giddy about the last one because down here, it's common knowledge that "the higher the hair, the closer to God."  ...Clearly.

So now to decide what my new mani/pedi color will be.  I have to add on to my usual favorites of Quarter of a Cent-Cherry, Mrs. O'Leary's BBQ, and You Don't Know Jacques, after all!

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